When most people start a company, they intend to create more than just a business. They intend to create an environment where people enjoy working and feel happy and fulfilled. They also strive to promote the career growth of their team members over time. A culture of diversity and inclusivity is beneficial to the company in attracting top talent who are otherwise unaffordable to many companies, thus enabling productivity through high motivation. The following are tips on creating a culture of support.


1) Establish the company’s core values

The first step of creating a company culture of support is to establish the company’s core values. Values are what guide team members in making decisions or carrying out tasks. For instance, if quality is one of the core values, then team members should aim for providing customers with high-quality products and services. If teamwork is one of the core values, then team members should work together and be supportive of one another.


2) Establish a better work-life balance

The second step of creating a company culture of support is to provide a better work-life balance. This can be achieved by reducing the stress and pressure on the employees. By so doing, team members are more likely to feel relaxed and happy, thus boosting morale. At the same time, they will also have more energy to contribute towards the company’s goals. A good work-life balance is definitely essential for creating a supportive company culture where people enjoy coming to work.


3) Pay more attention to empathy and communication

The third step is to pay more attention to empathy and communication. By so doing, team members can feel more connected and work together towards achieving the company’s vision. The faster they can understand teammates’ feelings, the better their job performance will be. There should also be an open line of communication so that all issues around the company can be addressed and dealt with effectively.


4) Foster trust and physiological safety

The next step is to foster trust and physiological safety. Trust earns people’s sense of security towards each other, thus enabling them to work productively with their teammates. As for physiological safety, it refers to creating an environment where all team members are safe from physical harm and emotional stress. If they feel safe, team members can contribute more to the company’s well-being.


5) Award The Right Actions

Incentives should only be given to those who deserve them, not just to any team member. Team members should be given recognition for doing good work and encouraged to do more in the future. Any rewards they receive should reflect their contributions towards their well-being as well as that of others around them.