How To Run More Effective Meetings

How To Run More Effective Meetings

Most people attend meetings, and most hate them. Studies show that poorly-run meetings cost companies billions of dollars each year. Meetings are supposed to be integral to productivity and collaboration, yet studies reveal that less than 50% of people spend in these...
How Street Parking is Changing

How Street Parking is Changing

 Over the past decade, the rapid emergence and evolution of new transportation services has created a new set of competitors in the urban marketplace. These include ride-hailing companies and delivery vans. The rise of e-commerce and the pandemic have also changed the...
New Technologies Revolutionizing Parking

New Technologies Revolutionizing Parking

Today, parking is more important than it has been in the past. In the past, it was considered implausible that it would be necessary to achieve significant goals such as fighting climate change or attaining political equality. With the technological advancements in...